Lemon Berry Auto

Cómo es costumbre, en Paisa Seeds intentamos siempre ir a la vanguardia con nuestras variedades. Esta vez hemos decidido innovar con una pequeña colección de variedades autoflorecientes, las cuales se han realizado a petición del público. Lemon Berry Auto surge a partir de cruzar Auto Blueberry con Low Ryder, una de las genéticas autoflorecientes más famosas y sin lugar más importante de esta línea de genéticas que no dependen en lo absoluto del fotoperiodo.


Lemon Berry Auto is a cross between Auto Blueberry and Low Ryder, one of the most famous and most important autoflowering genetics of this line of genetics that does not depend at all on the photoperiod. As it is well known, autos require direct sowing and needs very precise irrigation, otherwise the stress of a transplant would take its toll on production due to the short time we have to grow them. It is a variety that can be harvested within 70-80 days from germination. The flavor ranges from red berries, very sweet hints and citrus undertones. This variety is not far behind in resin and flower production, and can produce from 40g to 70g of delicious fresh and heavy buds. Indoors it goes without saying, that excellent results can be obtained.

Características de las semillas de marihuana Lemon Berry Auto


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